Concrete Repairs

Concrete Repairs

Concrete repairs are often required before the application of Tufflon or Elaston. To ensure the asset (whether it is a basement, retaining wall or a multi-million dollar sewerage treatment plant) proper preparation and restoration of the concrete is the first step to creating the perfect end result.

Many techniques are applied throughout this process. Deterioration of concrete due to chemical attack, permanent immersion, damage from earth movements and more must be dealt with appropriately.

LiquiMix applies techniques such as crack-injection to stop leaks, ground-stabilisation, slab jacking and rendering with epoxy and aggregate to ensure the substrate is in the best condition before priming and applying Tufflon or Elaston to extend the life and performance of the asset.

  • Concrete re-profiling and protection

  • Spalling repairs

  • Slab jacking

  • Crack repairs using epoxy

  • Crack leak repairs using Crackshot system

  • Bridge deck repairs

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